Wikileaks Recently released a cable on the Majors Bay, Kauai, 2009 Naval renovations.
Overview of Project: The Pacific Missile Range Facility, located on Kauai, Hawaii, reviewed the upcoming Phase II of the Base Protection Laboratory. A document by the SPACE AND NAVAL WARFARE SYSTEMS CENTER, recently leaked by Wikileaks, reveals the extent of the recent Majors Bay renovations. The report aims to, one: 'add infrastructure to support Phase II sensors along Majors Bay.' Two: 'add equipment.... to accommodate sensors at Majors Bay". And three: "add equipment at Port Allen to achieve 100% coverage and to leverage off of existing cameras". end of quote
While the local media has remained silent, the Navy has completed its "Phase 2" renovations on Majors bay and Port Allan. A renovation which cost a total of $660,000 dollars and was completed in April 2009. The August, 2008 report explains the goals of the project: "If the Base Protection Laboratory project were to install security cameras or other sensors along Majors Bay, the Base Security Department could monitor the area and record data 24 hours a day, seven days a week. That data, representing real-life behavioral patterns in a real security situation, would be available to the Base Security Department."
The data collected is then fed to the Base Security Department, which collects the dater for behavioral analysis. However, these cameras are such that they serve one purpose; Monitoring the populous of Kauai that frequent Majors Bay. This is a simple observation based on the amount of cameras being placed for security purposes, along with the geographical layout of the naval base. Primarily, the base is pressed along the west coast of the island of Kauai....
Exterior military threats along this area are minimal. Conclusion, the limited amount of camera's used, and the use of behavioral analysis indicate that the renovations made were aimed to increase the monitoring of the local population of Kauai, focusing on those that frequent Majors Bay.
The SPACE AND NAVAL WARFARE SYSTEMS CENTER'S report on Majors Bay also addresses the environmental and historical concerns the project might have, stating:
1. Port Allen will, quote, "Acquire State of Hawaii historical preservation approval to mount the camera".
2. Quote: "The Pacific Missile Range Facility NAVFAC has indicated that archeological and environmental (I e native birds) concerns are manageable."
3. the Pacific Missile Range Facility, NAVFAC will, Quote: "Ensure environmental clearances are acquired." and will "Coordinate for an on-site archeologist during execution if necessary."
However, there is a stark contrast between these, "concerns"; Primarily around some of the ways in which the area has been utilized. For instance, one duty outlined in the system centers report reads: "Lastly, the Dispatch Office already monitors alarms and video from Port Allen, a State owned small boat harbor 20 miles from Pacific Missile Range Facility. Port Allen operates several recovery boats to retrieve drones and targets from the open ocean for the live firing range to the North and West of Kauai."
For this, one has to ask if they are serious? Does the military think it is protecting the environment after it has target practice in the open ocean; simply because they received the proper authorization to put up a camera?
Conclusion on the Space Naval report: It seems that military's primarily concern with regards to the environment, was obtaining the proper paper work; Not protecting the environment. The recent Wikileaks release demonstrates that the Navy has a greater concern in securing its own population than protecting the ʻĀina. Quite simply the military has increased its occupancy and capacity in the Hawaiian Islands, and done so with minimal concern for the local populous and the environmental impacts.
Secondly, the while the military deemed it necessary to increase its own security in Hawaii. Spending $660,000 dollars on monitoring, the state of Hawaii was broke and had to cut major parts of public education. A cut which ultimately deprived Hawaii's children of an entire day of education every other week. This type of military spending is absurd. Especially when the State is having to have to sacrifice education; Sacrifices which limited education to the point, that Hawaii, last year, posted the least amount of in session school days in the United States.
Video detailing leak:
Wikileaks cable - Base Protection Laboratory. (2008). See (us-hawaii-spawar-report-2008.pdf)
Available at:
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