Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Twitter Pressure Storm to Get Aid 2 Tunisia - VoiceLeaks Call 2 Action.

We are deeply concerned about the people of Tunisia and their present hardships. Therefore, we make it our mission to call upon the UN and other organizations to rise to the occasion and help.

Our goals:

1) To pressure the UN into providing assistance to Tunisia in the following ways:
a) To provide security for the civilians who are currently barricading their streets for protection
b) To stand against the organized system of rape that Ben Ali's men have established for reprisals
c) To provide food for the transitional period as reports are already saying that food supplies are dwindling
d) To prevent a refugee crisis from beginning
e) To preserve the revolution from potential hijackers
f) To provide basic medicine supplies, as they are reported to be low.
2) To pressure charitable organizations, like the Red Cross or Amnesty International, to provide similar assistance to Tunisia.

The tweets that we will be circulating are:

#Tunisia needs U.N. help for food, medicine, civil protection, etc. JOIN THE CALL 2 UN - http://ow.ly/3Fux2- @UN @undp @unfoundation @WFPVAM
@Tags for Tweets for #PressureStorm:

@Secgen - Ban Ki-moon, Republic of Korea (Need 2 confirm not a bot)
@un - Official twitter account of United Nations
@undp - the UN's global anti-poverty agency.
@WFPVAM - UN; targeted and need-based food assistance
@UNicTunis - UN located in Tunis
@Refugees - The official account of UNHCR. aid and protection to the forcibly displaced.
@unfoundation - Connecting people, ideas and resources with the United Nations.
@UNICEF - the United Nations Children's Fund (#UNICEF)
@UNRWA60 - UNRWA is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, responsible for the welfare of Palestine refugees
@theIRC - The International Rescue Committee (The IRC) goes to crisis zones to rescue and rebuild
@WFP - The official World Food Programme Twitter page - fighting hunger worldwide

Good minded groups that may help:
@Oxfam - Int'l confederation of 14 like-minded organizations working together & with partners...
@ARCrelief - ARC International: helping victims of war and civil conflict rebuild their lives
@AmeriCares - We are a nonprofit international disaster relief and humanitarian aid organization.
@Rotary - The Rotary Foundation, an organization of more than 1.2 million business, professional,ext
@change - 'raises awareness about important causes and empowers people to take action with leading nonprofits.'
@aym - AYM identifies, connects, and supports youth activists from around the world who use technology to organize for social change

Hash Tags:
#sidibouzid #tunisie #tunisien #tunileaks #opps
#Tunisia #Tunis #OpTunisia #PressureStorm ,
#UN #unrwa #Amnesty
#humanrights #video4change
#UNICEF (or as some call it; NAMBLA :P .......joke, no one hash NAMBLA),
Speculative: #MLKday #iranelection


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